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LingoFlash English-Farsi

4.4 ( 704 ratings )
Spel Utbildning Utbildning Familj
Utvecklare: App4learners Inc.
1.99 USD

230+ flash cards designed by our artists and language experts to help bilingual children build their vocabulary. By playing with this App, children will learn English and Farsi words that refer to the same object or concept in a fun and engaging audio-visual experience. This App offers settings for voiceover and language selection allowing users to tailor the learning level to that of their child’s needs. These settings allow parents to get engaged with their child’s learning process and monitor progress for maximum efficiency. LingoFlash is a fun and effective way of learning the vocabulary of two languages at once!


- 230+ English and Persian (Farsi) words
- English and Farsi voiceover
- High quality pictures and graphics
- Carefully selected concepts and words for bilingual children
- Flash Cards tested by bilingual kids and parents
- Optional settings for language and voiceover selection
- Categories: Shapes, Numbers, Colors, Animals, Food, Characters in different roles and occupations,Transportation and alphabetically-sorted English and Farsi words